Live Casino Live Roulette Roulette



Voisins du Zero

​This bet covers a total of 17 numbers that include 22, 25 and the numbers that lie between them on the side of the Roulette wheel that contains zero. 9 chips are placed as follows:

  • 2 chips on the 0/2/3 street
  • 1 chip on the 4/7 split
  • 1 chip on the 12/15 split
  • 1 chip on the 18/21 split
  • 1 chip on the 19/22 split
  • 2 chips on the 25/26/28/29 corner
  • 1 chip on the 32/35 split

Jeu Zero

This bet covers zero and the 6 numbers in close proximity to zero on the roulette wheel: 12, 35, 3, 26, 0, 32 and 15. 4 chips are placed as follows:

  • 1 chip on the 0/3 split
  • 1 chip on the 12/15 split
  • 1 chip on 26 (straight up)
  • 1 chip on the 32/35 split

​A neighbour bet covers a particular number as well as other numbers that lie in close proximity to it on the roulette wheel. A number may be backed along with the two numbers on the either side of it in a 5-chip bet. For example, “0 and the neighbors” is a 5-chip bet with one piece straight-up on 3, 26, 0, 32 and 15.


The optional Favourite Bets feature allows you to save a preferred bet or combination of different types of bets for easier placement in future rounds at any roulette table. You can save and edit a list of up to 15 of your favourite bets under different names.


Under the second tab in Favourite Bets, you can more easily place Finale en plein and Finale a cheval bets.

Finale en plein

  • Finale en plein 0 – 4-chip bet covers 0+10+20+30, each with 1 chip
  • Finale en plein 1 – 4-chip bet covers 1+11+21+31, each with 1 chip
  • Finale en plein 2 – 4-chip bet covers 2+12+22+32, each with 1 chip
  • Finale en plein 3 – 4-chip bet covers 3+13+23+33, each with 1 chip
  • Finale en plein 4 – 4-chip bet covers 4+14+24+34, each with 1 chip
  • Finale en plein 5 – 4-chip bet covers 5+15+25+35, each with 1 chip
  • Finale en plein 6 – 4-chip bet covers 6+16+26+36, each with 1 chip
  • Finale en plein 7 – 3-chip bet covers 7+17+27, each with 1 chip
  • Finale en plein 8 – 3-chip bet covers 8+18+28, each with 1 chip
  • Finale en plein 9 – 3-chip bet covers 9+19+29, each with 1 chip

Finale a Cheval

  • Finale a cheval 0/3 – 4-chip bet covers 0/3+10/13+20/23+30/33, each with 1 chip
  • Finale a cheval 1/4 – 4-chip bet covers 1/4+11/14+21/24+31/34, each with 1 chip
  • Finale a cheval 2/5 – 4-chip bet covers 2/5+12/15+22/25+32/35, each with 1 chip
  • Finale a cheval 3/6 – 4-chip bet covers 3/6+13/16+23/26+33/36, each with 1 chip
  • Finale a cheval 4/7 – 4-chip bet covers 4/7+14/17+24/27+34, each with 1 chip
  • Finale a cheval 5/8 – 4-chip bet covers 5/8+15/18+25/28+35, each with 1 chip
  • Finale a cheval 6/9 – 4-chip bet covers 6/9+16/19+26/29+36, each with 1 chip
  • Finale a cheval 7/10 – 3-chip bet covers 7/10+17/20+27/30, each with 1 chip
  • Finale a cheval 8/11 – 3-chip bet covers 8/11+18/21+28/31, each with 1 chip
  • Finale a cheval 9/12 – 3-chip bet covers 9/12+19/22+29/32, each with 1 chip

Complete Bets

A complete bet places all of the inside bets on a certain number. For example, a Complete Bet on number 36 will place 18 chips to completely cover it, as follows: 1 Chip on Straight-up 36, 2 chips on each of Split bets 33-36 and 35-36, 3 chips on Street bet 34-35-36, 4 chips on 32-33-35-36 Corner bet and 6 chips on Line bet 31-32-33-34-35-36. Number 0 will place 17 chips, number 1 and number 3 will place 27 chips, number 2 is a 36-chip bet, 1st column numbers 4 to 31 and 3rd column numbers 6 to 33, costs 30 chips each to complete. 2nd column numbers 5 to 32 cost 40 chips each, number 34 and 36 costs 18 chips and number 35 is a 24-chip bet.


Your payout depends on the type of placed bet.


Straight Up 35:1

Split 17:1

Street 11:1

Corner 8:1

Line 5:1


Column 2:1

Dozen 2:1

Red/Black 1:1

Even/Odd 1:1

1-18/19-36 1:1

Return to Player

The optimal Return to Player (RTP) percentage is 97.30%.

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